Because I Have it all Together, and Other Lies I Want You to Believe About Me

How to Write an Epic Blog Post in 7 Easy Steps + 10 More

Stacy Pederson Funny Motivational Speaker


So you want to be a writer. Better yet a blogger. An EPIC blogger. Prose flowing means money growing. Here’s a simple 17 step plan millions of bloggers have used to write their first epic post:

  1. Spend anywhere from 1 hour to 10 years on developing the right kind of blog your passionate about. A topic that will stick with you like cellulite or your worse junior high memory.


  1. Make a decision to finally write your blog post. This usually happens “in the moment” after something disastrous in your life happens. A break up, job loss, 40th birthday…credit card statement comes due.

Continue reading “How to Write an Epic Blog Post in 7 Easy Steps + 10 More”

Why Bill Murray & Paul Schaffer’s New Song “Happy Street” Can Literally Make You Happier

Bill Murray and Paul Schaffer’s newly released video, “Happy Street” has a simple recipe for happiness. Want to be happier? Do what Bill Murray says!

Here are a few lyrics that can literally make you happier:

Paul Schaffer: “How are you doin?”

Bill: “Right now I’m just lovin’ the way that I’m walking, baby.”

Mindfulness. Bill’s statement on loving how he’s walking reveals he’s only thinking about the present moment. He’s not worried about what’s happening in the future, nor contemplating the past.

The definition of mindfulness is: “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”

In a 2013 Massachusetts General Hospital study, participants who practiced mindfulness experienced a significant reduction in anxiety. Other studies have shown mindfulness helps in reducing depression, improving focus, and reducing fatigue.

Want to feel better? Take a step outside and love the way you walk!

“Take a step outside”. Want to be happier? Once again, get off your rear and step outside. That’s all it takes. Nature amps up brain waves, gives you a nice dose of mood improving Vitamin D, and reduces stress.

“It’s so great to be alive”. Gratitude. Being thankful for the small-even the fact you are alive-can greatly improve your overall happiness. According to an article from Harvard “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”

“Smiling at those you meet”. The literal act of smiling, whether you feel like it or not, is associated with greater happiness and reducing anxiety. Why? Smile lines around the eyes. The muscles around the eye trigger a change in brain activity that boosts mood.

AND my favorite: “When things ain’t cool, here’s my real simple rule. Why not just change your point of view?” The power of your perspective is mighty. The simple act of changing the way you view or approach life, or how you perceive a difficult situation, greatly determines your own personal happiness. Remember, your way of looking at life or a problem is not the only way. As my husband likes to say, “There’s a million ways up a mountain.” You may be right in certain things you observe and “feel” about life-but you’re way is not the definitive. If your perception is making you miserable-change it!

So, if you’re feeling blue-here’s what you do. Pick up a beat and listen to my new favorite song: “Happy Street”.


Stacy Pederson  is a Colorado based Humorist and Funny Motivational Speaker who is incessantly insecure with a chronic Thai Food / Netflix binge habit.




The Types of Speakers Meeting and Event Planners Call On…and It’s Not Looking Good for Me…

Stacy Pederson Corporate Funny Keynote Comedian Speaker

I was one of THOSE kids in school. The kind that sat in the front row…sort of. (I was actually placed there because I had the attention span of a gnat.) My desk was a disaster. My hair was askew.  BUT I was a great example to the class. People pleaser to the core. The moment the teacher asked a question I knew the answer to, my hand shot up in a, “Me, ME, MEEEE”, “notice me”, “pick me”, “LOVE ME” frenzy.

Have you ever noticed teachers never call on the front row kids? Their eyes dart frantically across the room for someone-ANYONE-else to raise their hands. We’re the last resort kids because we ALWAYS have our hands up. Front and Center- in a visibly, highly annoying fashion.

NOW as a funny speaker…nothing’s changed. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I have to sit on my hands because that same tendency to throw up my arm and scream, “PICK MEEEE” to meeting and event planners burns within.

Here’s who I’ve discovered Meeting and Event Planners Call On and It’s Not Looking Good for Me:

1.      The Good Kid. The kid whose desk is perfectly straight, homework turned in, solid grades, steadfast and follows through like clockwork. When a task needs to be done-such as sending a note to the office-this kid is who gets called on. No messing around, talking in the hallway, tripping over shoelaces…This kid does the job dutifully, responsibly, and does it well. When in doubt-send the good kid/speaker out.

2.      The Cool Kid in the Back of the Class. The kid that walks in a room and doesn’t have to say a word. His leather jacket, good looks and magnetism says it all for him. He never needs to throw up his hands. He’s just IT. All that. (Aka-my husband. He was one of those kids… Whatever…) He doesn’t need to even make eye contact with the meeting planners because he knows everyone wants him and eventually-if they know what’s good for their business- they’ll want him, too.

3.      The Mad Scientist. The kid who gets written off by his peers that no one pays attention to. Then one day he turns in an earth shattering algorithm that solves world hunger and alleviates class oppression all in the time it took me to locate my lunch box. His appearance and presentation may not be polished, but THIS kid’s a stinkin’ genius. He’ll graduate college with honors before I figure out how to walk, talk, chew gum, and roll my eyes in middle school-mean girl-synchronized perfection.

4.      The Class Clown. Witty, lovable, maybe not that brilliant, but always has the class in stitches at just the right time. Attention getting, creative, unpredictable, but the audience’s response is always worth the risk.

5.      Me. The kid who eventually gets called on for the mere fact I’ll put my hand down. Ok- not exactly…. (There’s a good chance my hand isn’t even up because I didn’t hear the question. I was distracted trying to locate my ruler that’s buried behind the green and red paper chain I made for Christmas but forgot to give to my parents…2 Christmases ago.) It isn’t until just the right question grabs my attention that my head and my hand shoot straight up… “PIIIICK MEEEE!!!! I actually know this one!! I can do this one! Hire me! ME, ME, MEEEE!!!!”

This article is my passive, completely non-effective, overly obvious way of putting my hand up to be noticed. Think of the movie, “A Christmas Story” where Ralphie gives the teacher a fruit basket…and a wink……wink

Hand raise- PICK ME link:

Stacy Pederson is located in Colorado where she can be found second guessing herself as an actor, writer, speaker and clean comedian. She is obviously not a skilled marketer.

#meetingplanner #eventplanner #speaker #obvious #PutYourHandDown