Easy Questionnaire to Help You Find Your “Uniquity”


Are you A or B?


  1. Do you know who you are? Do you have a clear direction of where your life is headed? Do you wake up each morning knowing your life “plan” or “purpose”, which allows you to overcome difficult obstacles? Do you know what calms you down when you are stressed? Do you know what makes you happy?
  2. Do you feel clouded, confused, burnt out, or that you’re simply floating or surviving through life?

If you answered “B” the issue could be that you don’t know your own “uniquity”. The thing that makes you-you. The unique gifting, personality, upbringing, strengths, perspective, and contributions you-and only you-have to offer this world.

Why should you care? People who have sense of purpose are often happier, less stressed, and have something called, “grit”-the ability to overcome challenges with a positive, hopeful mindset. Knowing your “uniquity” helps give you a clearer vision of your purpose.

Would you like to discover more about your “uniquity”? Answer the following questions.

Part 1:

-During my happiest childhood memories-what was I doing and who was I with?


-As a child what did I do most often in my free time?


-As a child what did I dream of doing before I was taught to “be realistic”?


Part 2:


-What tasks come easiest to me? (examples: put people at ease, accomplish daily tasks quickly, work well under pressure, exercising/sports, asses a problem and know how to fix it, artistically gifted, organize my time well, throw great parties, learning, finances, business strategy, choose great outfits to wear, writing, creating, helping others, etc.)

-What do people compliment me on?

-What one thing do I seem to do better than most people I personally know?


-When do I feel the happiest and least stressed?


-Do people ever call you “weird”? If so, what are you doing when they say it?


Do parts A and B have similarities? If so, what?



Part C:


-During challenging times, what has gotten me through? (Why didn’t I give up?)


-If money was no object, and I was bored with traveling, etc., what would I do for “work” to fill my time.


-If I was given one year to live-what would my priorities be? (Advice: Don’t wait for a diagnosis. Make tiny adjustments each month to begin doing this NOW. This is a key component to living a happy and fulfilling life. If you are overly stressed, struggling with depression, or generally unhappy-start here.)


-What one thing would I tell others is the most important thing about life? (Your life message.) Are you currently living out your life message now?


-Who am I willing to sacrifice for? (Whoever it is-THIS is your audience that you should be sharing your life message with by living it out-even with your struggles/failures/imperfections.)





-Do you see any re-occuring elements in any of your answers?


-If the answer is “no” and you see nothing in common, begin asking trusted family and friends what is the best thing about you.


Start paying attention to the tasks that come easiest to you, what you still find yourself dreaming of doing “someday”, and where and when you currently experience peace, happiness or fulfillment.


How does this help you in the long run?


When you’re on your deathbed do you want to look back on your life and be disappointed that you “only survived”? Do you want to feel like you compromised who you were to “fit in”? Do you want to feel like you never accomplished the change you could have made in this world? I’ve literally been there and the answer is, “No you don’t”.


Without embracing what makes you special and making daily, and ultimately life choices geared around operating in your “uniquity”, you will never feel truly alive.


If you are great at encouraging people, than make it a daily choice to do so with whomever you meet. If you are great at organizing, than reach out and help others who struggle in this area. This will not tax you, it will full-fill you because you are operating from a place of strength.


I’m a huge believer in personality profiles such as Meyers Briggs. If you’ve never taken any of these types of tests than I encourage you to do so. Here are a few easy and free ones:








Life will always have challenges. There is no “someday” when everything will be perfect. You have to learn to embrace who you are, know what you’re good at, what brings you enjoyment, and how to continually work with a purpose. You can’t live your life doing what others tell you “should do”, if it’s not how you were designed. YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY!


You only have one life. There’s only one you-so live it well.


Stacy Pederson’s uniquity is being a funny speaker who loves Thai food, was raised by hippie parents, hates mornings and has almost died a bunch. You can learn more about her at StacyPederson.com.


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