Easy Way to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Want To

Easy Mindset Hack to Help Motivate Yourself:

Warning: This mindset hack on an “easy way to motivate yourself” is NOT for super highly productive people who have their lives in perfect scheduled order. This is for the rest of the world. As in REAL people like me who find the word, “productivity” as exciting as, “parsnip dip”.

WAIT –  “but you’re a Keynote Motivational Speaker”. Yep. I’m also a human. That’s why I use this hack.

So…Here’s the hack:

Is Netflix calling? Snapchat? Anything but the one thing you know you should be/need to/supposed to ….(fill in the blank)

BUT it feels like it JUST might kill you to get up and do it?

(I felt that way about writing this blog post.)

Anyhoo-it’s not your fault. The brain doesn’t like doing “stuff” it doesn’t find super rewarding. (If you want some complicated science you cand find it here.)

Instead of waiting to feel motivated-do this instead:

– Sigh dramatically (or angrily)

– Kick the floor

Then, tell yourself this: [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]”You’re never going to want to….so you might as well do it anyway.”[/tweet_box]








-Put one foot in the front of the other and get ‘er done.

It seriously works. For just about everything. Listen to how motivating this is:

-“I’m never going to want to work, so….”

-“I’m never going to want to exercise, so…”

-“I’m never going to want to be your friend, so…”


Do you see how this easy mindest hack for motivation works? I do. Because I use it all the time.


“I’m never going to want to respond to the comments, so….”

Actually, I do love comments. Well-the nice ones.


Have any mindset motivation hacks of your own? Put them in the comments below.

PS-You’re never going to want to leave a comment, so…you might as well do it anyway…


Stacy Pederson Funny Humorist Motivational Inspirational Speaker







Stacy Pederson is a Funny Keynote Speaker who has almost died a bunch. She loves to be hired for events, so….if you’ve got one-click HERE:



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